ond Branch, excepting the President thereof, shall be citizens
of the United States above the age of twenty-five years, resi-
dents of the City of Baltimore four years prior to their election,
each of whom has been assessed with property in the said City
in the sum of five hundred dollars, and who has paid taxes on
the same for two years prior to his election, and said members
of the Second Branch shall hold their offices for four years,
except as provided in section 213 of this Article, and each of
them shall be paid a salary of one thousand dollars per annum,
payable monthly, provided, that the members of the Second
Branch of the City Council in office upon the date of the pas-
sage of this Article shall receive such compensation as they
would have been entitled to receive if they had served out the
full term for which they were elected.
212. The election for members of the First Branch shall be
held on the Tuesday next after the first Monday in May, in the
year eighteen hundred and ninety-nine, and upon every second
year thereafter. Said election shall be held by wards, and no
person shall be entitled to vote for any member of the First
Branch except for the member for the ward of which the voter
is a resident. The members of said Branch now in office shall
hold office until their successors have been elected under the
provisions of this Article, and have duly qualified.
213. The election for the said eight members of the Second
Branch shall be held on the Tuesday next after the first Monday
in May, in the year eighteen hundred and ninety-nine. Their
terms of office shall be for four years, except that the members
of the Second Branch first elected shall determine by lot their
terms of office, so as to provide for the retirement of one-half of
the said members of the Second Branch at the end of the first
two years. On the Tuesday next after the first Monday in
May, in the year nineteen hundred and one, and in every second
year thereafter, an election shall be held for four members of
said Branch to fill the places of the members then retiring.
214. There shall be elected on the Tuesday next after the
first Monday in May, in the year eighteen hundred and ninety-
nine, and upon every fourth year thereafter, from the City at