or it by ordinances not inconsistent with this Article, and who
shall, before he, they or it enter upon the discharge of his,
their or its duties as such, execute a bond to the Mayor and
City Council of Baltimore, in the penal sum of five thousand
dollars, with the condition that he, they or it will faithfully dis-
charge the several duties incumbent upon him, them or it,
which bond shall be deposited in such place as the Mayor may
select for depositing papers of this kind, and be delivered by
him to his successor in office.
209. The Legislative Department of the Mayor and City
Council of Baltimore shall be vested in the City Council,
which shall consist of two Branches, one of which shall be the
First Branch and the other the Second Branch.
210. The First Branch shall consist of one member from
each ward of the City, who shall be a citizen of the United
States, above the age of twenty-one years, a resident of the City
three years preceding his election, and for the same time a resi-
dent of the ward for which he is elected, and assessed with prop-
erty to the amount of three hundred dollars, who has paid taxes
on the same one year prior to his election, and shall hold his
office for two years. Each member of the First Branch shall
be paid a salary of one thousand dollars per annum, payable
211. The Second Branch shall consist of nine members,
one of whom shall be the President thereof, and shall possess
the qualification and be elected as hereinafter provided. The
other eight members shall be elected from the City of Balti-
more at large, until the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore
shall divide the City of Baltimore into four Councilmanic Dis-
tricts, to be known as the first, second, third and fourth Coun-
cilmanic Districts, which shall each contain as near as possible
one-fourth of the population of the City of Baltimore, and shall
each be composed of six contiguous wards, according to their
numerical order, beginning with the first ward. After said
division, then two members of the Second Branch shall be
elected from each of said Districts. The members of the Sec-