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Session Laws, 1898 Session
Volume 482, Page 1323   View pdf image (33K)
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and 1891, the sum of thirty-seven dollars and twenty-one cents


($37.21), erroneously paid into the State treasury..................
No. 188. An act to repeal and re-enact with amendment section 13,
chapter 52 of the acts of 1896, entitled "An act to incorporate the
United States Fidelity and Guarantee Company," and also to add


an additional section to said chapter ..... . .............. ......
No. 189. An act to divide the twelfth election district of Baltimore
county into three election districts, to be known as "The Twelfth
Election District of Baltimore County," and "The Fourteenth
Election District of Baltimore County," and "The Fifteenth Elec-
tion District of Baltimore County," and to constitute said division


into election districts of Baltimore county........................
No. 190. An act to provide for the organization of a company to ac-
quire, own and operate the properties, rights and franchises of the
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company and other companies
whose lines form part of the Baltimore and Ohio system of rail-
roads, to prescribe the powers, rights, immunities, privileges and
franchises of the compaDy so organized, and to provide for the
operation by such company of the Washington Branch of the Bal-


timore and Ohio Railroad..................................


No. 191. An act to incorporate "The Fidelity Trust Company".
No. 192. An act to repeal and re-enact with amendments sections 191
and 192 of article 22 of the Code of Public Local Laws, title


"Washington County," sub-title "Hagerstown"...... ....... ....
No. 193. An act to amend the Constitution of Maryland by adding a


new section to article four. ................ ... ..........
No. 194. An act for the relief of "The Johns Hopkins University"


and to appropriate a sum of money therefor....... ... ....... ...
No. 195. An act to amend the charter of the Elkridge Fox Hunting
Club of Baltimore county by increasing the board of governors


from twelve to sixteen, and providing for election of same.........
No. 196. An act to authorize and require the Board of School Com-
missioners of Calvert county to erect a public school house for col-
ored children in the first precinct of the first election district of
said county, to be located near the place known as the "Oaks,"
about 1 1/2 miles north of Cherry Hill, and to require the County
Commissioners of said county to levy a sum of money not to
exceed three hundred and fifty dollars, to pay for the land on which


said school house will be erected and for said building..........
No. 197 An act to amend charter of the Montgomery Power Com-


pany... .. .... ...... ..... .............. ..... ..... ........
No. 198. An act to repeal chapter 462 of the acts of the General
Assembly of Maryland, passed at the January session of 1892,
entitled "an act to add a new section to article 4 of the Code of
Public Local Laws," title "City of Baltimore," under the new sub-
title, "Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes," to come in said
article alphabetically in proper place, and to be designated as sec-


tion 120 A, and to re-enact the same with amendments..... .......
No. 199. An act to repeal section 246 of article 23 of the Code of
Public General Laws of Maryland, title ''Corporations," sub-title


"Water Companies," and to re-enact the same with amendments..
No. 200. An act to approve an act passed January session 1896,
chapter 211, entitled "an act to authorize the County Commission-
ers of Dorchester county to subscribe to the capital stock of the
Cambridge and Chesapeake Railroad Company," as provided by


section 54 of article 3 of the Constitution .......................


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Session Laws, 1898 Session
Volume 482, Page 1323   View pdf image (33K)
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