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Session Laws, 1898 Session
Volume 482, Page 1321   View pdf image (33K)
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cess Anne District No. 1 and Brinkley's District No. 3 of said
county, to be called and known as Westover District No. 13 ; and
to provide for the appointment of justices of the peace, the enforce-
ment of existing local option laws now in force in the territory
comprising said district, and to place said district with Princess
Anne, Fairmount and Dublin District No. 4, in the allotment of a
County Commissioner for said county, as now exists for said dis-


tricts by law ..... ....................................... ......
No. 161. An act giving the consent of the State of Maryland to the
extension by the United States or the District of Columbia of the
system of water works and sewerage of the said District of Colum-
bia into or through the town of Takoma Park, Maryland, or any


part thereof ..............................................
No. 162. An act to refund to the Robert Stewart Distilling Company
of Baltimore County the sum of one hundred and fifty-six dollars


and twenty-five cents, erroneously paid into the Treasury .......
No. 163. An act to add an additional section to article twenty-three
of the Code of Public General Law.s of Maryland, entitled "Cor-"
porations," sub-title ''Provisions for the formation of Corpora-


tions," to be known as section thirty-seven A, class 25....... .....
No. 164. An act to repeal and re'-enact with amendments sections 46A
and 46s of Article 6 of the Code of Public; Local Laws, title "Cal-


vert County," sub-title "County Commissioners." ................
No. 165. An act to authorize the County Commissioners of Charles
County to levy a sum of money necessary to build a suitable school
house in the Fifth Election District of Charles County for colored


children, title ''Charles County," sub-title "Public Schools.".......
No. 166. An act to add a new section to article 10 of the .Code of
Public General Lawp, title "Attorneys at law and Attorneys in


Fact," to follow section 9, and to be designated as "Section 9 A"...
No. 167. An act to repeal and re-enact with amendments section 6 of
article 52 of the Code uf Public General Laws, title* "Baltimore


City," sub-title "Justice of the Peace"... ............... .........
No. 168. An act to refund to Mary A. Staats, trustee, a sum of money


erroneously paid by her into the State treasury...... ..... .......
No. 169. An act to authorize and empower the County Commission-
ers of Talbot county to subscribe to the capital stock of the Easton,


Trappe and Cambridge Railroad Company . ............. . ....
No. 170. An act to change the name of Winchester creek, in Queen


Anne's county, to Winchester harbor .................. .........
No. 171. An act to repeal and re-enact section 45 of article 10 of the
Public Local Laws of Maryland, title ''Dorchester County," sub-


title "Cambridge," with amendments. ..... ... ............
No. 172. An act to grant and declare the sanction and consent of the
General Assembly of Maryland to the gift and conveyance by Mar-
garet J. Beall to the vestry of Prince George's Parish, in Mont-
gomery county, of a certain lot of ground in the town of Rockville,
in said county, and to the holding of said lot by the said vestry of
Prince George's Parish, in Montgomery county, in fee simple, with


full power to dispose of the same ...............................
No. 173. An act to repeal sections two and three of chapter 64 of the
Laws of Maryland, passed at the session of 1892, and re-enact sec-
tion one of chapter 188 of the Laws of Maryland, passed at the
session of 1890, and also re-enact section eleven of chapter 183 of
the Laws of Maryland, passed at the session of 1890, with amend-
ments, and to repeal and re-enact with amendments section two of


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Session Laws, 1898 Session
Volume 482, Page 1321   View pdf image (33K)
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