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Session Laws, 1898 Session
Volume 482, Page 1320   View pdf image (33K)
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have been forbidden to do so by a special written notice served
upon him, or her, or them by the owner or owners of said private


property, or by their agents ............... ........... .........
No. 146. An act to authorize the clerk of the Superior Court of Bal-
timore city to prepare uew indexes to certain of the Jand records


in his office, and to transcribe and rearrange the same ...........
No. 148. An act to incorporate the Westminster Deposit and Trust


Company ......................................... .............
No. 149. An act to repeal and re enact with amendments sections
fifty-three A, fifty-four, sixty, sixty-five, sixty-nine and seventy-
four of article twenty-one of the Code of Public Local Laws, title


"Talbot County," sub-title "Easton" .............................
No. 150. An act to provide for the construction, establishment and


maintenance of water works and sewers in Hyattsville............
No. 151. An act to authorize and empower the Mayor and City
Council of Baltimore to appropriate annually a sum of money to
pay for the conduct and management of Saint Martha's Episcopal


House, in the city of Baltimore .......... . ............ ........
No. 152. An act to add a new section to Article 8 of the Code of
Public Local Laws, title "Baltimore County," under the new sub-
title "Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes," to be numbered


section 14 A, and to follow section 14............ . . ............
No. 153. An act to repeal and re-enact with amendments section one
hundred of article nineteen of the Code of Public Local Laws,
title "St. Mary's County," sub-title "Roads," as said section was


amended by chapter 564 of the acts of 1894.............. .........
No. 154. An act to add a new section to article 13 of the Code of
Public Local Laws, title "Harford County," under the new sub-
title "Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes," to be designated


as section 87 A, and to follow section 57 ..........................
No. 155. An act to lay out and establish a new election district in
Frederick county out of Frederick election district No. 2, to be


called "Braddock District," or "Election District No. 24"..........
No. 156. An act to repeal section one hundred and twenty-seven of
article twenty-one of the Code of Public Loc:d Laws, title "Talbot
County," sub-title "Liquor and Intoxicating Drinks," and to re-


enact same with amendments ....................... ....... ....
No. 157. An act to declare the sanction and consent of the General
Assembly of Maryland to sundry gifts, bequests and devises con-
tained in the last will and testament of Winefriede Martin, late of
the city of Baltimore, deceased, to and for use and benefit of sun-
dry ministerial persons, religious corporations, denominations or


sects, and to certain charitable institutions hereinafter named........
No. 158. An act to repeal sections forty-nine, fifty, fifty-two, fifty-
eight, sixty-three, seventy-eight E and ninety-two of Article one of
the Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland, entitled "Allegany
County," sub-title "Cumberland," and to re-enact with amend-
ments sections forty-nine, fifty, fifty-two, fifty-eight, sixty-three
and seventy-eight "E," and to add thereto additional sections to be
known as sections fifty-eight A and fifty-eight B, and to repeal all


acts or parts of acts inconsistent therewith . ..... ..... .
No. 159. An act to repeal sections 238 and 267 of article 8 of Code of
Public Local Laws, title "Cecil County," sub-titJe "Port Deposit,"


and to re-enact the same with amendments..... ..............
No. 160. An act to lay out and establish a new election district in
Somerset County out of parts of Fairmount District No. 6, Prin-


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Session Laws, 1898 Session
Volume 482, Page 1320   View pdf image (33K)
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