No. 91. An act to authorize the Board of Public Works to purchase
the painting of "The Burning of the Peggy Stewart," and to ap-
propriate a sum of money therefor.......... ....... .............
No. 92. An act to add an additional section to article 53 of the Code
of Public General Laws, title "Landlord and Tenant," to be desig-
nated as section 27 ...... ....... ..............................
No. 94. An act to refund to John N. Layman, late collector of State
taxes for the third district of Allegany county, a sum of money
erroneously paid by him into the State treasury ........ .........
No. 95. An act to authorize the clerk of the Circuit Court of St.
Mary's county to make out general indices to the Chattel Records
in his office, and providing for paying the same ...... ...........
No. 96. An act to amend an act entitled ''An act to incorporate the
National Fire Insurance Company of Baltimore, passed December
session, 1849, chapter 194, by repealing section 7, and re-enact-
ing the same with amendments ........... ..... ................
No. 97. An act to sanction the bequest of five hundred dollars to the
Vestry of St. John's Protestant Episcopal Church, in Howard
county, Maryland, contained in the last will and testament of Mrs.
Emily G. Stewart, late of Howard county, deceased................
No. 98. An act to repeal and re-enact with amendments section ope
hundred and twenty-three of article two of the Code of Public
Local Laws, title "Anne Arundel County," sub-title "County Com-
missioners," as the same was re-enacted by chapter four hundred
and seventy-two of the acts of eighteen hundred and ninety-four...
No. 99. An act to repeal sections two, six, seven, eight, nine, eleven,
thirteen, sixteen and twenty-two of the Code of Public Local Laws,
title "Washington County," sub-title ''Sharpsburg," as enacted by
by the acts of 1894, chapter 634, and sections ten, twelve and ,
twenty-one, as re-enacted by the acts of 1896, chapter 67, and to re-
enact the same with amendments .......................... ....
No. 100. An act to appropriate a sum of money to pay the claim of
William J. C. Dulany Company for stationery furnished for the
use of the General Assembly of eighteen hundred and ninety-six,
the Executive Department, Court of Appeals and State Library for
eighteen hundred and ninety-six, the Executive Department, Court
of Appeals and State Library for eighteen hundred and ninety-six
and eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, and the General Assembly
of eighteen hundred and ninety-eight ... ............ ...........
No. 101. An act to perfect the title of The Glade Church, a body
corporate of Frederick county, to five acres of ground in said
county, upon which said church has heretofore erected and main-
tained a house' of worship and a burying ground, and to sanction
the acquisition and holding by the said The Glade Church of an
additional lot or lots of ground in Walkersville, in said county, for
church and parsonage purposes.......... .................. .....
No. 102. An act to declare the sanction of the General Assembly of
Maryland to certain gifts and bequests to "The Redemptorists," a
body corporate ............. .................... ..... ........
No. 103. An act to authorize the Agricultural Society of Baltimore
County to issue bonds to be secured by mortgage upon its prop-
erty, and to issue preferred stock in addition to said bonds.........
No. 104. An act to add an additional section to article two of the
Code of Public Local Laws, title "Anne Arundel County," under
and to come in after section 221 of said article.....................