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Session Laws, 1898 Session
Volume 482, Page 1315   View pdf image (33K)
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No, 75. An act to repeal section 13 of Article 1 of tlie Code of Pub-
lic General Laws, as enacted by chapter 113 of the acts of 1896,


and to add two sections to said article, to follow section 8 ........
No. 76. An act to change the name and amend the charter of The
Jacob Tome Institute of Port Deposit, Cecil County, a corporation
incorporated under the General Incorporation Laws of the State
of Maryland, the certificate o'f incorporation whereof is recorded
among the corporation record books of Cecil County, in Liber D.


S. No. 1, folio 220, &c...................... ...........
No. 77. An act to prohibit the sale of spirituous or fermented liquors


or lager beer in Election District No. 2 of Garrett County.........
No. 78. An act to repeal and re-enact with amendments chapter 621
of the acts of the General Assembly of 1894, entitled "An act to
incorporate the Town of Kensington, in Montgomery county,


Maryland" .............................................
No. 79. An act to repeal section sixty-four of article eleven of the
Code of Public Local Laws, title ''Frederick County," sub-title
"Circuit Court," as amended by chapter five of the acts of 1890,


and to re-enact the same with amendments ... .... ... ..........
No. 80. An act to declare the saction of the General Assembly of
Maryland to sundry gifts, bequests and devises to the Convention


of the Protestant Episcopal Church of the Diocese of Maryland...


ries Public for Baltimore City ..................
No. 82. An act for the relief of Joseph M. Heagerty................
No. 88. An act to repeal sections two, three and four of chapter two
hundred and eighty-six of the acts of eighteen hundred and ninety-
six, entitled ''An act to incorporate the Southern Asphalt Paving


Company," and to re-enact the same with amendments ..........
No. 84. An act to declare the sanction and consent of the General
Assembly of Maryland to a bequest contained in the last will and
testament of Dennis Mulligan, late of Baltimore County, deceased,
to and for the use and benefit of James Cardinal Gibbons, Catholic
Archbishop of Baltimore, and his successors in office, to be used
for the education of Catholic children belonging and living in St.


Paul's Parish, Ellicott City, Maryland .................. .........

No. 85. An act to give and declare the sanction of the General As-
sembly of Maryland to the devise and bequest contained in the
last will and testament of Mary Long, late of Baltimore City,
deceased, to the Central Presbyterian Church, (Eutaw Place), and


to the Home Mission of the Presbyterian Church of Baltimore..
No. 86. An act to refund to the Baltimore Sugar Refining Company
the bonus tax paid by it to the State of Maryland on the increase


of its capital stock in 1893 and 1896 ..... ......... .............
No. 87. An act to repeal sectio 113 of article 38, Public General
Laws, title "Fines and Forfeitures," and to re-enact the "same with


amendments...... .................. .................. .. ....
No. 88. An act to authorize and require the County Commissioners
of Anne Arundel County to build a bridge over Long Cove, a
branch of Curtis bay, in Anne Arundel county, and to provide by


taxation the means for building the same....... .. ... ... .....
No. 89. An act to repeal section 28 of article 12 of the Code of Public
Local Laws of Maryland, title "Garrett County," sub-title "Circuit
Court," as amended by chapter 653 of the Acts of 1894, and to


re-enact the same with amendments ................ .........
No. 90. An act to incorporate "The Buckingham Industrial School


of Frederick County, Maryland............................. .....


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Session Laws, 1898 Session
Volume 482, Page 1315   View pdf image (33K)
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