subject to municipal taxation for the period of ten years from and
after the twenty-ninth day of January, in the year eighteen hun-
dred and ninety-four, and when, if ever taken in, that said corpora-
tion will purchase a certain street.at not less than the cost thereof,
and to grant the legislative assent to such contract................
No. 7. An act to require the County Commissioners of Carroll
County to pay to the Mayor and Common Council of Union Bridge,
Carroll County, Maryland, one-half the amount of "Road Tax,"
levied or taxed upon the property within the limits of Union
Bridge, to be used for the repair, maintenance and improvement of
the streets, roads and alleys in Union Bridge .......... .......
No. 8. An act to prohibit fast driving over any public highway, road
or avenue within one-half mile, in any direction, of the Library
Hall, in Catonsville, Baltmore Countv.............................
No. 9. An act to repeal and re-enact with amendments section 159 H
of article 22 of the Code of Public Local Laws, title "Washington
County," sub-title "Hagerstown," as said section was enacted by
chapter 86 of the acts of 1892 ........... .....................
No. 10. An act to provide for the re-division of the city of Baltimore
into wards................................. .....................
No. 11. An act to amend the charter of the Arundell Club of Balti-
more city, a body corporate, duly incorporated under the General
Laws of the State of Maryland ........... ........... .... ....
No. 12. An act to repeal and re-enact with amendments section 2 of
chapter 197 of the Acts of 1874, entitled "an act to amend an act
passed January session 1868, chapter 307, entitled an act for incor-
porating the Western Maryland College." ................ .....
No. 13 An act to add under a new sub-title, to be designated
"Crimes and Punishments," a new section to article 8 of the Code
of Public Local Laws, title "Cecil County," prohibiting gambling
and the abetting thereof in Cecil County, said new section to be
designated as section 415...................................
No. 14. An act granting and declaring the sanction of the General
Assembly of Maryland to the bequest made by and contained in
the last will and testament of John Geddis, late of Baltimore
county, deceased, to the Trustees of Waugh Chapel Church in said
county....................... ...................................
No. 16. An act to enable the Board of County Commissioners of
Wicomico County to levy a sum of money not exceeding five hun-
dred dollars, to aid the Peninsula General Hospital of Salisbury,
Maryland .......................................................
No. 16. An act to incorporate Chesapeake Conclave No. 80, Improved
Order of Heptasophs of Kent Island, Queen Anne's county, Mary-
land ............ ... ....... .............. ... ..... ...........
No. 17. An act to change the name of the Trustees of the Sheppard
Asylum, incorporated by the General Assembly of Maryland by the
Act of 1858, chapter 274, as amended by the act of 1886, chapter 9.
No. 18. An act to add new sections to article 20 of the Code of Public
Local Laws, title "Somerset County," sub-title "Oysters," to be
designated 196 A, 196 B, 196 C, and to repeal section 46 of article 72
of the Code of Public General Laws, title "Oysters," as repealed
and re-enacted with amendments in chapter 380 of the acts of
1894, in so far as the provisions of said section are in conflict or
inconsistent with the aforesaid new sections...................
No. 19. An act to repeal section fifty-three (53) of article thirteen (13)
of the Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland, title "Harford