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Session Laws, 1898 Session
Volume 482, Page 1309   View pdf image (33K)
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No. 1. An act to repeal sections 156, 157, 159, 160, 162, 163, 164, 185,
166, 168, 170, 171. 172, 178, 174, 177, 178, 180, 181, 182, 185 and 245 of
article eleven of the Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland,
title "Frederick County," sub-title "Frederick," and the several
acts and parts of acts amendatory thereto, relating to the election
of the Mayor, City Register and Aldermen of Frederick City, and
to the duties of said officers, and to re-enact the said sections 156,
157, 159, 171, 172, 173, 174, 177, 178, 180, 181, 182, 185 and 245 with


amendments .............. ................. ... ...............
No. 2. An act to repeal chapter five hundred and forty-four of the
acts of the General Assembly of Maryland, passed at the January
session, in the year eighteen hundred and ninety-four, entitled ''an
act to add new and additional sections to article eleven of the
Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland, title 'Frederick County,"
sub-title 'Frederick,' relating to elections in Frederick City," and
to enact in lieu thereof certain new and additional sections relating
to the registration of voters and to elections in Frederick City
aforesaid, to be added to said article eleven of the Code of Public
Local Laws of Maryland, title "Frederick County," sub-title
"Frederick," to follow section 270 A of said article, and to be known
as sections 270B, 270 C, 270 D, 270 E, 270 F. 270 G, 270 H, 270 I, 270 J,
270 K, 270 L, 270 M, 270 N, 270 C, 270 F, 270 Q, 270 R, 270 S, 270 T, 270 U,
270 V, 270 W, 270 X, 270 T, 270 Z, 270 A A, 270 B B, 270 C C, 270 DD,
270 E E, 270 F F, 270 GG, 270 H H, 270 II, 270 JJ, 270 KK, 270 LL,
270 MM, 270 N N, 270 OO, 270 P P, 270 QQ, 270 R R, 270 SS, 270 TT,
270 UU, 270 V V, 270W W, 270xx, 270 Y Y, 270 Z Z,270AAA, 270BBB,
270 e e e, 270 D D D, 270 E E E, 270 F F F, 270 G G G, 270 H H H, 270 1 1 1,

270 JJJ, 270KKK, 270LLL, 270MMM, 270NNN, 270000, 270F F F,

270QQQ, 270RRR, 270688, 270TTT, 270 UUU, 270 VVV, 270 WWW,
270 XXX, 270 YYY, 270 ZZZ, 270AAAA, 270BBBB, 270CCCC,

270 D D D D, 270 E E E E, 270 F F F F, 270 G G G G, 270 H H H H, 270 IIII,

270 JJJJ, 270 K K K K, 270 L L L L, 270 M M M M, 270 NN N N, 270 OOOO,

270 F F F F, 270 Q Q Q Q, 270 R R R R, 270 S S S S, 270 T T T T, 270 U U U U,

270 VVVV, 270 WWWW, 270 XXXX, 270 Y Y Y Y, 270 ZZZZ,

270 A A A A A, 270 B B B B B, 270 C C C C C, 270 D D D D D, 270 E E E E E,


270 F F F F F. .... ...................... ......................

Wo. 3. An act to sanction the bequest of two hundred shares of stock
in the Baltimore and Reisterstown Turnpike Company, to the trus-
tees of Taneytown Presbyterian Church of Taneytown, Carroll


county, Maryland, by John K. Longwell, late of Carroll county...
No. 4. An act to divide election district number seven of Garrett
county into two election districts, to be known as districts number


seven and fourteen, respectively............ .....................
No. 5. An act to repeal sections one, three, ten and eleven of articie
eleven of the Code of Public Local Laws of the State of Maryland
entitled "Frederick County," sub-title "Almshouse," and to re-enact


the same with amendments............. .........................
No. 6. An act to sanction an agreement between the Mayor and Al-
dermen of Frederick, a body corporate, and Willard C. Keller, his
associates and assigns, wherein it is agreed that a certain strip of
land shall not be taken into the taxable limits of Frederick, and



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Session Laws, 1898 Session
Volume 482, Page 1309   View pdf image (33K)
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