III. A local security from water attack, due to position and
natural surroundings ;
IV. Ample water frontage of sufficient depth and perform-
ance, and with currents of modern rapidity ;
V. A favorable position with respect to the lines of interior
communication, (by rail or otherwise,) with the principal
sources of supply ;
VI. That the character of the ground shall be suitable for
the construction of excavated docks and basins, and for heavy
structures ;
VII. Proximity to centres of labor and supplies of mate-
rial ;
VIII. Healthiness of the climate and its suitability for out-
door labor ;
IX. The existence in the vicinity of an ample supply of
good potable water; and
WHEREAS, The Governor of this State on January 24, 1898,
transmitted to the Honorable General Assembly of Maryland
a special message in writing in reference to this matter, reciting
in terms both forcible and commendatory why, in view of its
Eeculiar importance, action prompt and appropriate should be
ad in this matter in order to secure the accomplishment of the
desired object ; and which message is as follows, to wit :
ANNAPOLIS, January 24, 1898.
To the Honorable the General Assembly of Maryland:
GENTLEMEN — I beg leave to submit herewith resolutions
passed by the City Council of Annapolis relative to the desired
action to be taken by the Representatives from Maryland in
the Congress of the United States looking to th'e establishment
of a dry dock at Round bay, on the Severn river, for the
purpose of docking and repairing vessels of the United States
navy. , The document accompanying this message shows fully
the need of such a dock as is proposed, and the advantages
of the location mentioned, and in suggesting action on the
part of your bodies in this behalf I need only say that
recently the United States Government has had to send
one of its largest vessels to Nova Scotia to be docked, for the
reason that we had no dock accessibly located which was large
enough for the purpose. 1 therefore suggest that a joint reso-
lution be passed requesting Maryland's Representatives in Con-
gress to use their best efforts in this behalf, and in such resolu-
tion it might, in view of the great advantage which would