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Session Laws, 1898 Session
Volume 482, Page 1290   View pdf image (33K)
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emphasized this condition of naval affairs, by reporting
"that it was an unfortunate fact that there was on that date
only one government dry dock on the Pacific coast capable
of docking our largest ships of war, and only one on the
Atlantic coast of similar capacity, and that the latter had been
undergoing repairs for the last six or seven months, and was
then incapable of public use," and recommended that Congress
take immediate steps to provide three or four new dry docks
on the Atlantic capable of docking our largest ships of war ;
WHEREAS, Under date of December 9, 1897, the Senate of


the United States unanimously adopted a resolution (Senate
No. 187, introduced by Senator Chandler, Ex-Secretary of the
Navy) directing its Committee on Naval Affairs to inquire
into the needs of the navy for additional docks, and concerning
the proper location of any new stationary dry docks, and to
duly investigate other public matters in connection therewith ;
WHEREAS, Under date of December 14, 1897, there was


introduced in the United States Senate by Senator Gorraan,
Senate Bill No. 2778, having for its object to make an appro-
priation of money with which to properly improve the Severn
river in this State, and to construct a first class naval dry dock
thereon at its head on Round bay, capable of docking any of
our ships of war of the maximum number of tons displace-
ment ; and in support of and to accompany his said bill he also
submitted to the Senate the resolutions and memorial to
Congress, adopted by the City Council of Annapolis, Mary-
land, adducing numerous valid reasons why Congress should at
this time favorably consider all the matters so recited in said
bill, and all of which upon his motion have since been printed
as Sunate Document No. 21, 55th Congress, 2d Session ; and
WHEREAS, The special requirements of a site for a Govern-


ment dry dock as formulated by the Navy Department, and
as reported to the President of the United States by the Sec-
retary of the Navy in his said annual report, will obtain, in a
pre-eminent degree, at Round bay, at the head of the Severn
river, in this State, whenever said river shall have been im-
proved, as contemplated in said Senate Hill No. 2788, and
which requirements are :
I. A situation upon a good harbor of sufficient size, depth
and accessibility for vessels of the largest size and heaviest
draft ;
II. A favorable position, with respect to the principal lines
of defence ;

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Session Laws, 1898 Session
Volume 482, Page 1290   View pdf image (33K)
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