Wilkinson and Applegarth on the part of the Senate, and the
Honorables Gould, Carew, Linthicum, Insley and Jones on the
part of the House of Delegates.
No. 2.
Joint Resolutions and Memorial of the Legislative Assembly
of the State of Maryland to Congress relative to the fortifi-
cation, defence and armament of certain places along the
Chesapeake Bay, for the proper defence of the Capital of
Maryland, at Annapolis, and of the Capital of the United
States, at Washington City, District of Columbia, and the
more perfect defence of the City of Baltimore, Maryland.
WHEREAS, The Capital of the State of Maryland is at this
time without adequate fortification, military defence and arma-
ment, in the event of an attack by a hostile force; and
WHEREAS, In the opinion of competent military authority
the defence of the approaches to the harbor at Annapolis is
not only a direct defence of the Capital of the State of Mary-
land, but also an indirect defence of the Capital of the United
States, at Washington City, District of Columbia, and in effect
and fact supplements the present and proposed defence of the
Chesapeake Bay approaches to Baltimore city, Maryland ; and
WHEREAS, All said matters are of the highest national im-
portance at this time, entitling them to the serious attention of
the General Assembly of Maryland, and immediate action of
Congress, now in session ; therefore,
Be it resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland,
Requested to
make ap-
lor fortifica-
tions, etc.
That the Senate and House of Representatives of the United
States of America, in Congress assembled, be and they are
hereby respectfully requested by an amendment to the bill H.
R. No. 7441, 55th Congress, 2d session, making appropriations
"for fortifications and other works of defence, for the arma-
ment thereof, for the procurement of heavy ordnance for trial
and service, and for other purposes," or by a proper amend-
ment to some other pending appropriation, or other bill, to
authorize and make obligatory upon the Secretary of War to
cause to be duly examined at once, and report to Congress at
its next session, the character, kind, extent and cost of fortifi-
cations and other works of defence and armament, which
ought to be established by the United States at those points
along the Western Shore of the Chesapeake Bay, in the State
of Maryland, known and designated as Thomas' Point, Tolley's
Point, Horn Point, Greenbury's Point, Hackett's Point and