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Session Laws, 1898 Session
Volume 482, Page 1287   View pdf image (33K)
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Assented to by the General Assembly of Maryland, at a
session begun on the fifth day of January and
ended on the fourth day of April, 1898.

No. 1.
Joint Resolutions appointing a joint committee of the General
Assembly of Maryland to meet a like committee from the
State of Virginia to investigate and report upon any modifi-
cations or changes that may be desirable in the boundary
line between the two States, and upon any joint legislation
that may be necessary or proper to increase or preserve the
supply of food and other fish in Chesapeake bay and its
WHEREAS, The General Assembly of Maryland is informed


that a committee on the part of the Legislature of Yirginia
has been appointed to confer with a similar committee from
this body, for the purpose of eecuring certain modifications or
changes in the boundary line between the two States, at low
water mark along the south bank of the Potomac river, and


WHEREAS, Such modification or change might be proper and
perhaps advantageous to this State, provided suitable compen-
sation be made to Maryland for any concession she may make;


Be it resolved, That a committee of eight (8), consisting of
three (3) members of the Senate and tive (5) members of the
House of Delegates, be appointed, who may confer with said
committee on the part of Virginia on the said subjects of the
boundary line and joint legislation, and who shall have
authority to sit during the session of this Assembly or in recess
thereof, to employ counsel, if necessary, to send for persons or
papers, if necessary, and to investigate said subjects fully.
Be it further resolved, That the said committee, upon the

of eight

completion of the investigation and conference aforesaid, shall
report the results thereof, together with their own conclusions,
to this General Assembly for their action in the premises.

Report to be

Be it further resolved, That the committee named in this
joint resolution shall be composed of the Honorables Dryden,


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Session Laws, 1898 Session
Volume 482, Page 1287   View pdf image (33K)
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