hundred dollars, or to be imprisoned iu the county jail for not
less than thirty nor more than ninety days, and the license of
such person may be suppressed in the discretion of the court.
420. No vendor of spirituous or fermented liquors licensed
Unlawful to
sail to an
under this Act shall sell directly or indirectly, any spirituous or
fermented liquors to any person known to him to be intoxi-
cated at the time, nor shall it be lawful for any such licensed
vendor to keep open the room where spirituous or fermented
liquors are sold between the hours of twelve o'clock at night
and six o'clock in the morning, nor to sell directly or indirectly,
or give away in such room or on or about the premises of such
vendor any spirituous or fermented liquors whatsoever between
the hours aforesaid.
421. Any person violating any of the provisions of the pre-
ceding section shall, upon indictment and conviction thereof,
be fined not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than one
hundred dollars, or be imprisoned in the county jail not less
than thirty days nor more than ninety days.
422. Any vendor of spirituous or fermented liquors sold in
Liable to pay
Not to apply
to sales less
than a
Cecil county shall be liable to pay damages to any husband,
wife, parents, child, employe or other person, injured by reason
of any person being intoxicated by liquors sold by said vendor
in violation of any of the provisions of this Act, to be recov-
ered in the same manner as debts are now recovered by law.
422 A. The provisions of this Act shall not apply to sales by
the manufacturer of cider in quantities not less than a quart,
which is not drunk on the premises of the manufacturers, nor
to sales of spirituous or fermented liquors by the manufac-
turer thereof to any person licensed to sell spirituous or fer-
mented liquors in Cecil county.
423. Nothing in the preceding sections shall be construed to
authorize any sale or barter, or the giving away of any spirit-
uous or fermented liquors on the "Sabbath day, commonly
called Sunday," or on the day of any election held in said
county under the constitution and laws of the State or of the
United States.
What to
424. In any prosecution under this Act it shall only be
necessary to state that the traverser did sell or give a way spirit-
uous or fermented liquor, without specifying the particular
kind of liquor given away.
Disposal of
425. One-half of all fines imposed under this Act shall be
paid to the County Commissioners of said county for the use
of said county.