AN ACT supplemental to an Act passed by the January
Session, eighteen hundred and ninety, of the General
Assembly of Maryland, Chapter 130, entitled "An Act to
provide for the purchase and construction of water works
for the town of Frostburg, in Allegany County, and to
authorize the Mayor and Councilmen of said town to issue
bonds to pay the cost thereof," empowering the Mayor and
Councilrnen of said town to issue additional bonds to com-
plete said water works.
WHEREAS, by chapter 130 of the Acts of Assembly of the
year eighteen hundred and ninety, the Mayor and Councilmen
of Frostburg were authorized to issue the bonds of said town
to an amount not exceeding forty thousand dollars ($40,000),
and with the proceeds thereof to provide said town with water
by the purchase or construction of water waters ; and
WHEREAS, said water works were constructed, and are now
in operation, but the fund provided by the sale of said bonds
in the construction of the same was exhausted ; and
. Preamble.
WHEREAS, by chapter 124 of the Acts of the General
Assembly, passed at the January Session, 1892, said Mayor
and Couneilmen were authorized to issue additional bonds to
the amount of fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000), for the pur-
pose of completing and equipping said water works and did
issue the same ; and
WHEKEAS, it is estimated that it will still require a large
sum to properly equip said works so as to afford all the inhabi-
tants of said town with an adequate and constant supply of
water; therefore,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the Mayor and Councilmen of Frostburg are here-
by authorized and empowered to issue additional coupon bonds
of said town to an amount not exceeding ten thousand dollars
($10,000), which said bonds shall be signed by the Mayor and
Water bonds
to be issued.
clerk of said town, and sealed with its corporate seal, and shall
be denominated "Frostburg Water Bonds of 1898," and shall
draw interest not exceeding four per centum per annum, pay-
able semi annually, to be issued in denominations not exceed-
ing five hundred dollars ($500) to be payable not exceeding
thirty years from date and redeemble at the pleasure of said
town at any time after five years from their date ; and said
town shall have the same powers of levying a special tax to