AN ACT to provide for improving, reconstructing, remodel-
ing and furnishing the court house at Easton, in Talbot
County, and to authorize the County Commissioners of Tal-
bot County to raise money for said purpose by issuing bonds,
and to provide for the payment of the bonds so issued by
levy of taxes on the assessable property of said County.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the County Commissioners of Talbot county be
and they are hereby empowered aud directed to change and
Court bouse
at Eastern to
be remod-
remodel, reconstruct, and put in thorough repair the court
house in Easton, Talbot county, and for the purpose of so
changing, remodeling, reconstructing and repairing the said
court house, the said County Commissioners shall invite sealed
proposals for the furnishing of the materials, and doing the
work, according to plans and specifications to be made thereof,
reserving to themselves the right to accept or reject any bid or
bids which for good reason should not be satisfactory to them ;
and good and sufficient bond or bonds, with security to be
approved by said County Commissioners from the party or
parties contracting to furnish material or doing work in the
making of said improvements shall be taken in the name of
the County Commissioners of Talbot county conditioned for
the faithful performance of such contract or contracts as may
be entered into.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the said County Commis-
Architect to
be employed.
sioners of Talbot county be and they are hereby authorized to
employ a capable architect at a reasonable compensation to
consult with them about the change necessary and advisable to
be made in the present court house, and to prepare plans and
specifications for the same, and who shall also superintend if
said County Commissioners desire it, the making of said
improvements under their general supervision.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the County Commissioners
Authority ito
of Talbot county be and they are hereby authorized, empow-
ered and directed, to borrow on the credit of the county, and
to issue coupon bonds therefor in sums of one thousand dollars,
to be signed by the president of the Board of County Com-
missioners of Talbot county, and attested by the clerk of said
board with the corporate seal of said board affixed, which shall
be denominated "Talbot County Court House Bonds," said
bonds to bear interest at the rate of four per cent, per annum,
payable semi-annually, and to an amount not exceeding ten