No. 28. An act to ratify and confirm the pro-
ceedings under a commission issued by the county
commissioners for Somerset county to Robert W.
Adams, Levin E. Bowland and Thomas Williams
to lay out a tax ditch in said county, known as
the Turkey Branch tax ditch..............................
No. 29. An act to add seven additional sections to
be known as sections two hundred and sixty-
three, two hundred and sixty-four, two hundred
and sixty-five, two hundred and sixty-six, two
hundred and sixty-seven, two hundred and sixty-
eight, and two hundred and sixty-nine, to article
ten of the Code of Public Local Laws of the State
of Maryland, title "Dorchester County," to pro-
vide for the better protection of partridges, wood-
cock and rabbits, in said county........................
No. 30. An act to amend section two of the act of
eighteen hundred and eighty six, chapter one
hundred and sixty-two, entitled "An act for the
more complete and efficient organization and dis-
cipline of the uniformed volunteers constituting
a portion of the enrolled militia of ths state," to
be enlisted, organized and maintained as herein
directed, and known as the " Maryland National
Guard," by substituting the " Jackson Guards,"
of Harford county, in place of "The Williams-
port Light Infantry," disbanded........................
No. 31. An act to repeal 'sections one and two of
an act of the General Assembly of Maryland
passed at January session, eighteen hundred and
seventy-two, entitled "An act regulating fences
in Wicomico county," as amended by the acts of
the General Assembly of Maryland passed at
January session, eighteen hundred and seventy-
four, chapter sixty-five, so far as the same ap-
plies to Trappe district in said county, otherwise
known as election district Number seven, in said
county ...............................................................
No. 32. An act to incorporate Saint Joseph's Sem-
inary, of Baltimore city....................................