eighty-four, and to repeal chapter three hundred
and thirty of the acts of eighteen hundred and
seventy-four, so far as it applies to the number
of justices of the peace for election district num-
ber one, or fork, of Dorchester county, and re-
enact section one hundred and twenty of article
ten, Code of Public Local Laws, entitled "Dor-
chester county," sub-title "Justices of the
Peace," so far as it applies to said number one,
or fork district, of said county............................
No. 23. An act to appropriate the sum of one thou-
sand five hundred and forty-one dollars and
seventy-nine cents out of the public school funds
to reimburse Garrett county for an installment of
the state school tax withheld from said county in
the year eighteen hundred and eighty-seven ;
and, also, to authorize and direct the comp-
troller to apportion to said county the install-
ment known as the "April installment of the
state school tax for the year eighteen hundred
and eighty-eight," said installment being the
apportionment made to said Garrett county on
the fifteenth day of March in each year..............
No. 24. An act to amend the charter of "The Bal-
timore Association for the Improvement of the
Condition of the Poor," and to define its power
to hold property..................................................
No. 25. An act to authorize and empower the
board of county school commissioners of Wicom-
ico county, Maryland, to sell and convey a por-
tion of the high school property, known as the
"Academy Lot," situated in the town of Salis-
bury, Wicomico county, Maryland.....................
No. 26. An act to refund to Richard T. Browning
a sum of money erroneously paid into the treas-
ury of the state........................................
No. 27. An act to appropriate a sum of money to
pay the Electors of President and Vice President
of the United States, in and for the State of
Maryland, their officers and attendants..............