the votes cast in favor of such endorsement and
against such endorsement were in Talbot county
cast in favor of such endorsement to the amount
of fifty thousand dollars ; in Dorchester county
in favor of such endorsement to the amount of
thirty thousand dollars, and in Wicomico county
in favor of such endorsement to the amount of
twenty-five thousand dollars ; now, therefore —
Be it resolved by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the aforesaid act, chapter five
hundred and nine of the acts of eighteen hun-
dred and eighty-six, be approved so far as it
authorizes the county commissioners of Talbot
county to endorse fifty thousand dollars of the
second, mortgage bonds of the Baltimore and
Eastern Shore Railroad Company ; the county
commissioners of Dorchester county to endorse
thirty thousand dollars of the second mortgage
bonds of said Baltimore and Eastern Shore Rail-
road Company, and the county commissioners of
Wicomico county to endorse twenty-five thou-
sand dollars of the second mortgage bonds of
said Baltimore and Eastern Shore Railroad Com-
pany, said mortgage to be second to a mortgage
of five hundred thousand dollars only, and said
second mortgage to be limited to two hundred
thousand dollars.
Approved con-
Resolved further, That his Excellency, the
Governor, be respectfully requested to forward
a copy of these resolutions, under the great seal
of the state, to the county commissioners of
Talbot, Dorchester and Wicomico counties re-
No. 12.
Senate joint resolutions in relation to the flags
of this state now in possession of the United
States government.
1. Be it resolved by the General Assembly of
To forward
Maryland, That the adjutant general of this
state be and he is hereby directed to procure
from the secretary of war of the United States
all the standards, flags and colors borne by regi-
Procure U. S.
flags, etc.