support of the senators and representatives from
this state in favor of said bill, and that a copy
of this resolution be sent to the members of con-
gress from this state.
No. 8.
Senate joint resolution authorizing the commit-
tee created by the act of eighteen hundred and
eighty-six, chapter four hundred and ninety-
four, to superintend the erection of the annex
to the State House, to draw under said act a
sum sufficient to pay certain workmen arrears
of wages due and certain other unpaid claims.
WHEREAS the joint committee on article three,
section twenty-four of the constitution, in re-
sponse to an order of the senate, passed January
twenty-sixth, eighteen hundred and eighty-
eight, has reported to the senate that there
have been exhibited to said committee claims of
laborers, bricklayers and other workmen, ag-
gregating nearly one thousand dollars, and
sworn to by such claimants, for work and labor
done upon the library annex, chiefly during the
year eighteen hundred and eighty-seven, by said
claimants, and unpaid ; and, whereas, numerous
other bills and claims of material men for mate-
rial used in the construction of said building,
and of sub-contractors for work done and mate-
rial provided for said building, have been exhib-
ited and made known to said joint committee ;
and, whereas, it is right and proper that said
claimants, not being able to protect themselves
by putting liens on the state's property, should
as far as possible be protected by the state from
loss and aided in the collection of their claims ;
therefore —
Be it Resolved by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the building committee created
by the act of eighteen hundred and eighty-six,
chapter four hundred and ninety-four, to super-
intend the erection of the annex to the state
To pay claims.