Chapter 548.
AN ACT to provide for the appointment of two
superintendents to supervise and control the
repairs and improvements of a public county
road in Garrett county, known as the Legisla-
tive road, leading from the west end of the
covered bridge over Youghiogheny river at
Friendsville, in Garrett county, along the west
side of said Youghiogheny river to Selbysport
as now traveled, and thence with said county
road by Guard's store to the Pennsylvania
line, and to authorize the county commission-
ers of Garrett county to make a levy for the
repairs and improvement of said road.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assem-
Placed in
bly of Maryland, That the repairs and improve-
ment and supervision of the public county road,
known as the Legislative road, leading from the
west end of the covered bridge over Youghiog-
heny river at Friendsville, in Garrett county,
along the west side of said Youghiogheny river
to Selbysport as now traveled, and thence with
said county road by Guard's store to the Penn-
sylvania line, be and the same is hereby placed
under the charge and care of Joshua M. Friend
and George Dunham.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the county com-
to levy.
missioners of Garrett county be and the same
are hereby authorized and required at the time
of making the annual levy, in the year eighteen
hundred and eighty-eight, to levy the sum of
eight hundred dollars in the hands of said su-
perintendents provided for by this act for the
repair of said road hereinbefore designated, and
to be expended equally by said superintendents
upon said road.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That said superin-
Give bond.
tendents shall, before entering upon their duties,
execute a bond in the same manner that road
supervisors in Garrett county are required to
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That George Dun-
ham shall have charge of that part of said road