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Session Laws, 1888 Session
Volume 481, Page 880   View pdf image (33K)
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Emily M. Hinkley, and run thence with a
straight line across the lands of John W. Walker
and others to a stone planted on the north-
eastern corner of Nathan H. Darby's lot ; thence
with a straight line to a stone planted on the
dividing line between George E. Hoyes and


Mary Augusta Hulton ; thence with a straight
line across the Laytonsville road, Metropolitan
Branch railroad, the lands of the said Mary
Augusta Hulton, and Georgetown and Freder-
ick road, to a stone planted on the land of Igna-
tius T. Fulks ; thence with a straight line across
the lands of the said Ignatius T. Fulks, Phile-
mon M. Smith, the Fitzgerald road, and the lands
of Martha A. Meem, to a stone planted on the
land of Henry C. Ward ; thence with a straight
line across the land of said Henry C. Ward, the
Metropolitan Branch railroad, the lands of said
Martha A. Meem, David M. Munro, the George-
town and Frederick road, to the dividing line
between Ignatius T. Fulks and James O. Rab-
bitt ; thence with said dividing line to the be-
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the citizens

Elect commis-

of said town, having resided therein six months
previous to any election, shall on the first Mon-
day in May next, or as soon therereafter as con-
veniently may be, and biennially thereafter on
the same day, elect five commissioners of Gaith-
ersburg to serve for one year, or until their suc-
cessors shall be elected and qualified. The com-
missioners must be substantial citizens, resi-
dents in said corporate limits, and must have
resided therein for at least six months next
preceding their election, and must continue
so to reside during their term of office. They
shall receive no pay for their services, except
the president, who shall receive the fees herein-
after allowed.
SEC. 6. The commissioners shall biennially, on

Biennial elec-

or before the first Monday in April, appoint
three judges of election who shall appoint one
clerk ; and the said judges shall conduct the
election according to the election laws of this
state, except that the polls shall be opened at
one o'clock in the afternoon and closed at six
o'clock in the afternoon ; and the judges and

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Session Laws, 1888 Session
Volume 481, Page 880   View pdf image (33K)
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