such modification thereof as the said annual
committee shall make, shall become fixed for
the current year, and the annual assessment
upon such valuation or modification thereof
shall become a first lien, bearing interest, upon
the lot and improvement thereon so valued
and assessed as aforesaid until paid ; but
leave is expressly reserved to all persons
aggrieved by such valuation, or other action of
said annual committee, to apply to the circuit
court for Garrett county, by petition or bill of
complaint upon the equity side thereof, or by
mandamus, to obtain such relief as by law is
just, whereupon the whole matter shall be heard
and decided upon its merits as any other cause
of like nature ought to be heard and decided.
No such lien shall be enforced against any lot
and improvements until the said assessment
shall have been due and unpaid for the space of
eighteen calendar months, after which time the
said annual committee of the Community of
Mountain Lake Park may at their discretion or
under the binding instruction of said annual
meeting, shall proceed to enforce said lien
against said lot and improvements in the circuit
court for Garrett county in like manner as liens
upon real estate are ordinarily enforced in said
Garrett county.
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That this act shall
Right to ap-
take effect as to the Mountain Lake Park Asso-
ciation, of Garrett county, and as to such and so
many of its lotholders as shall thereto agree by
deed (and as to the lots and improvements and
other property in. Mountain Lake Park, in Gar-
rett county, held or owned by it and them),
when and so soon as such deed shall have been
duly executed and recorded among the land
records of Garrett county in the manner pro-
vided for the execution and recording of deeds
Take effect
of land in this state ; provided, that such deed
shall be executed and recorded, as aforesaid, on
or before the thirty-first day of December,
eighteen hundred and eighty-eight ; but any
lotholder may agree thereto by any separate
deed, executed and recorded in manner afore-
said, at any time thereafter, whereupon this act
shall take effect as to any lots and improvements