shall be sold in said district, and said act shall
apply therein as heretofore.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted. That this act shall
take effect from the date of its passage.
Approved April 5, 1888.
Chapter 403.
AN ACT to render valid the official acts of Ed-
ward Willey as justice of the peace in and for
the second election district of Talbot county.
WHEREAS it has been reported to this general
assembly that Edward Willey was appointed a
justice of the peace in and for the second elec-
tion district of Talbot county in the year
eighteen hundred and eighty-six, and that the
said Edward Willey should have qualified on
the first day of May of said year, but that the
said Edward Willey continued to act as said jus-
tice of the peace until the twenty-sixth day of
August, eighteen hundred and eighty-seven,
when said Edward Willey was required to pro-
cure a new commission as justice of the peace of
said second election district of Talbot county,
and that the said Edward Willey duly qualified
by taking the oath of office on the twenty-eighth
day of August in said year ; and whereas doubts
are entertained as to the validity of his official
acts from the first day of May, eighteen hun-
dred and eighty-six, until the twenty-eighth day
of August, eighteen hundred and eighty-seven,
as aforesaid ; therefore,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General As-
sembly of Maryland, That all the official acts
done and performed by the said Edward Willey
during the time intervening from the first day
of May, eighteen hundred and eighty-six, to the
twenty-eighth day of August, eighteen hundred
and eighty-seven, be and the same are hereby
declared to be valid and lawful in the same
manner as if he had on the first day of May,
eighteen hundred and eighty-six, duly qualified
Made valid.