Chapter 55.
AN ACT to assent to the act of congress passed
at the second session of the forty-ninth con-
gress, chapter three hundred and fourteen,
entitled "An act to establish agricultural ex-
periment stations in connection with the col-
leges established in the several states under
provision of an act approved July second,
eighteen hundred and sixty-two, and of the
acts supplementary thereto."
WHEREAS, by an act of congress passed at the
second session of the forty-ninth congress of the
United States, chapter three hundred and four-
teen, entitled "An act to establish agricultural
experiment stations to connect with the colleges
established in the several states, under the pro-
vision of an act approved July second, eighteen
hundred and sixty-two, and of the acts supple-
mentary thereto," the sum of fifteen thousand
dollars per annum for each state having colleges
established under the provision of said act of
July second, eighteen hundred and sixty-two,
was appropriated for the establishing of agri-
cultural experiment stations ; and whereas the
said act of the second session of the forty-ninth
congress provides that before the said fund shall
be paid to any state, such state shall give its
legislative assent to the purposes of said grants ;
and whereas the Maryland Agricultural College
is the only college established in the State of
Maryland under the provisions of said act of
eighteen hundred and sixty-two,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assem-
Preamble .
bly of Maryland, That the assent of the State of
Maryland be and the same is hereby given to the
purposes of the grant made by said act of the
second session of the forty-ninth congress, chap-
ter three hundred and fourteen, and that the said
Assent given.
Maryland Agricultural College be and the same
is hereby designated as the college entitled to
receive the sum appropriated for Maryland, and
that the treasurer of said college be and he is
hereby designated as the proper person to receive
the same.
College desig-