SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That any person or
persons wishing to catch or take fish in the
Patuxent river for food purposes, with purse
seines, shall make application to a justice of the
peace in the county in which he resides for a
permit, and shall make oath or affirmation that
he is a resident of said county, and that he does
not intend to catch fish for the purpose of manu-
facturing into fertilizer, or to put upon the land
in the raw state.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That any person or
Apply for
persons wishing to set a fish trap or pound in
the Patuxent river, or its tributaries, shall make
application to a justice of the peace for the
county in which he resides for a permit to put
down such trap or traps, and shall make oath
before such justice that he has been a bona fide
resident of said county for twelve months im-
mediately preceding the date of such appli-
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That any person
Apply for
who shall drive down any stakes in the Patux-
ent river, or its tributaries, for the purpose of
setting a trap or pound shall draw up all of the
stakes within ten days after he removes the net
from such stakes.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That any person or
Draw up-
persons setting any traps or pounds in the
Patuxent river shall raise or take up the nets
or pounds from Saturday evening until Monday
morning, and that no person shall use any net
of a less size than one and one-quarter inch
SEC. C. And be it enacted, That any justice of
Size of net.
the peace for any of the counties bordering on the
Patuxent river shall, upon application of any
bona-fide resident of his respective county, ad-
minister such oath and issue such permit as pre-
scribed in the previous sections of this act, and
he shall charge twenty-five cents as his fee.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That any person or
Issue permit.
persons violating any of the provisions of any of
the previous sections of this act shall, upon con-
viction thereof, pay a fine of not less than fifty
dollars nor more than one hundred dollars, to be
collected as other fines ; one half to be paid to
the informer, the other half to be paid to the
Penalty for