Meeth, Perry C. Orem, Nelson Baker, Edward
H. Fowler, Dr. H. B. Noble, John Denny,
Michael Dundon, George B. Woods, Edward
W. Ruark, William H. North and William Rusk,
and their successors in office, be and the same
are hereby constituted a body corporate under
the name and style of the "South Baltimore
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That said corpora-
tion, under the above name and style, is hereby
made able and capable in law to sue and be
sued, plead and be impleaded, answer and be
answered, defend and be defended, in courts of
record, or any other place whatsoever ; to make,
have and use a common seal, and the same to
break, alter and renew at their pleasure, and
generally to do and execute all and singular
such acts, matters and things as a corporation
or body politic may and can lawfully execute.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted,, That the said John
May sue and
be sued.
A. J. Dixon, John Meeth, Perry C. Orem, Nelson
Baker, Edward H. Fowler, Dr. H. B. Noble,
John Denny, Michael Dundon, George R. Woods,
Edward W. Ruark, William H. North and Wil-
liam Rusk, hereinbefore mentioned, shall be the
directors of said bank for the first year after
the acceptance of this charter, and until their
successors are regularly chosen and have en-
tered upon the discharge of their duties ; and
that the affairs and concerns of said bank shall
be conducted, managed and carried on by the
said directors hereby appointed, in the manner
and form as hereinafter prescribed for the con-
duct and management of the business affairs
and concerns of said bank, and that said
directors shall be subject and liable to the pro-
visions of this charter or act of incorporation
as those directors that may be chosen here-
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the capital stock
Directors to
manage affairs
of said corporation shall be one hundred thous-
and dollars, divided into shares of twenty-five
dollars each, with the privilege of increasing
from time to time the number of shares, in all to
be ten thousand, thus making the entire capital
stock two hundred and fifty thousand dollars ; and
when the members of said association, holding
Capital stock.