eighteen hundred and eighty-one, and recorded
among 'the said land records in liber W. M. I.
number one hundred and twenty-three, folio one
hundred and thirty-eight, &c., and said property
or parcels of land being more fully described in
the deeds of the same to the said Thomas A.
Wheelan, referred to in the conveyances above
set forth ; thirty-third, to the sale, grant and con-
veyance to the St. Joseph's Apostolic Society of
the Sacred Heart for Foreign Missions of Balti-
more city, a corporation duly incorporated under
the laws of this state, of two lots of ground
lying in the city of Baltimore on the west side
of Courtland street, and fully described in a deed
from "Rock Hill College " to said corporation,
dated the twenty-sixth day of July, eighteen
hundred and eighty one and recorded among the
land records of Baltimore city in liber F. A. P.,
number nine hundred and five, folio two hun-
dred, &c.; thirty-fourth, to the sale and grant to
and the acquisition by the trustees of the "Cath-
olic Cathedral Church of Baltimore," a corpora-
tion duly incorporated under the laws of this
state, of a lot of ground lying in Baltimore city
on the south side of Franklin street, and fully
described in a deed from Thomas A. Wheelan,
trustee, to the said body corporate, dated the
second day of November, Anno Domini eighteen
hundred and seventy-six, and recorded among
the land records of Baltimore city in liber G. R.,
number seven hundred and fifty-seven, folio one
hundred and twelve, &c., and also in other deeds
and proceedings therein specifically referred to ;
thirty-fifth, to the sale and conveyance to the
trustees of St. Mark's English Evangelical Lu-
theran church of Baltimore, a corporation duly
incorporated under the laws of this state, of a lot
of ground lying in said city on the west side of
Paca street, and fully described in a deed from
Mary Ann Booker and husband to Andrew I.
Miller and George F. R. Waesche, dated the
twenty-first day of August, Anno Domini
eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, and recorded
among the land records of Baltimore city in
liber G. R., number three hundred and eighty-
eight, folio two hundred and forty-four, &c., and
by said Miller and Waesche conveyed to the