dred and fifty-five, and also to a deed from said
trustees of the Methodist Episcopal church in
the city and precincts of Baltimore to the trus-
tees of the Methodist Episcopal church in the
North Baltimore Station, in the city of Balti-
more, bearing date'of December the twentieth,
Anno Domini eighteen hundred and forty-seven,
and recorded among the land records of Balti-
more county (now city), in liber A. W. B., num-
ber three hundred and ninety, folio twenty-
nine, and to confirm and make valid the
title of purchases from said trustees of the
ground described in said deeds ; twenty-fifth,
to the bequest contained in the last will
and testament of Michael Kilcran, deceased,
to St. Michael's Catholic church at Poplar
Springs, in Howard county ; twenty-sixth, to
the bequest contained in the last will and testa-
ment of Catharine Leaken, late of Baltimore
city, deceased, to the trustees of the Catholic
Cathedral of said city, and also to the "Church
of the Immaculate Conception " of said city,
for the purposes named, and to be applied
according to the directions of said last will and
testament ; twenty-seventh, to the bequest con-
tained in the last will and testament of Sarah A.
Flint, late of Baltimore city, deceased, to the
Methodist Preachers' Aid Society of Baltimore
city ; twenty-eighth, to the gift and conveyance
from Martha Loane to the trustees of the " Meth-
odist Episcopal Church in the North Baltimore
Station " of certain property on northwest side of
Sterling street, in the city of Baltimore, dated
the thirtieth day of June, eighteen hundred and
eighty-five, and recorded among the land records
of said city in liber J. B., number one thousand
and fifty-six, folio twenty-seven, &c.; twenty-
ninth, to the purchase, acquisition and holding
by the Franklin street Presbyterian congrega-
tion, in the city of Baltimore, of the lot of land
at the southwest corner Huntingdon and Mary-
land avenues, in Baltimore county, fronting on
Maryland avenue eighty feet and extending
back of that width and bounding on Hunting-
don avenue one hundred and fifty feet, more or
less, to Hudson alley ; thirtieth, to the be-
quest to the Board of Foreign Missions