Chapter 44.
AN ACT to authorize the mayor and aldermen
of Frederick to issue bonds for the purpose of
redeeming the present outstanding bonds of
said municipal corporation.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That the mayor and aldermen
of Frederick be and they are hereby authorized
to issue bonds in the name of the said muni-
cipal corporation to an amount not exceeding
five hundred and twelve-thousand five hundred
dollars, the amount of the present outstanding
Authorized to
issue bonds.
bonds heretofore issued by said municipal cor-
poration. The bonds issued under the provis-
ions of this act shall be issued in sums of not
less than one hundred dollars nor more than
five thousand dollars each, and each of said
bonds shall be payable thirty years after date
to bearer, redeemable, however, at the pleasure
of said mayor and aldermen of Frederick at any
time after the expiration of five years from
How Issued.
their respective dates, and shall bear interest in
the meantime at the rate of four per centum per
annum, payable semi-annually, according to the
tenor of the coupons for said interest to be
attached to said bonds, and the bonds to be
issued under the provisions of this act are
Amount of
hereby exempted from municipal and county
taxation, provided, however, that said bonds
shall not be sold for less than par or the face
value thereof in cash current money.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the proceeds
from taxation.
of the sale of the bonds hereby authorized to
be issued shall be applied to the payment and
satisfaction of the present bonded indebted-
ness of said municipal corporation, consisting
of bonds known as "railroad bonds," amount-
ing to two hundred and fifty thousand dollars ;
of bonds known as "bank bonds," amounting
to one hundred and twenty-three thousand
dollars; of bonds known as "market-house
bonds," amounting to fifty-five thousand dollars ;
of bonds known as "water works bonds,"
amounting to thirty -four thousand five hundred
how applied.