sheriffs, -constables, and all state and county offi-
cers, shall have, hold, and exercise their offices
and jurisdiction in said town as if this charter
had not been granted, and the commissioners for
Montgomery county shall appropriate, annually,
one-half of the tax levied, or imposed, upon the
assessable property within the corporate limits
of the town, and shall order the county collec-
tors, who shall collect the taxes within said cor-
porate limits, to pay said one-half thereof to the
commissioners of said town for that purpose.
Officers' ju-
SEC. 27. And be it enacted, That the commis-
sioners shall have power to establish building
lines on all the streets in said town, or which
shall hereafter be opened therein, and to compel
all persons, hereafter erecting buildings in said
town, to conform thereto.
Building lines.
SEC. 28. And be it enacted, That this act shall
take effect from the date of its passage.
Approved April 4, 1888.
Chapter 255.
AN ACT to release the claim of the state against
John M. Veirs, collector of state taxes for the
third election district of Montgomery county,
for the year eighteen hundred and sixty-one,
and to discontinue the suit instituted for the
recovery thereof.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General As-
sembly of Maryland, That the claim of nine
hundred and five dollars and seventy-five cents
($905.75), with the interest thereon, due from
John M. Veirs, collector of state taxes for the
third election district of Montgomery county for
the year eighteen hundred and sixty-one, now
standing on the books of the comptroller and
treasurer, be and the same is hereby released,
and the suit instituted for the recovery thereof
in the circuit court "for Montgomery county be
and the same is" hereby directed to be discon-
tinued, the same having been recommended by
the officers of the treasury department.
Approved April 4, 1888.
Claim released