of "The Commissioners of Barnesville," with
all the powers and privileges of a body politic
and corporate, and by said corporate name may
have perpetual succession, sue and be sued,
plead and be impleaded, in court of law or equity,
in said county, and may have and use a common
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the corporate
limits of the town shall be as follows : Commenc-
Limits of town
ing at the southwest corner of the school-house
lot, following the southern and eastern lines of
said school-house lot, to the northern line of the
field belonging to Mrs: Stanislaus Knott, follow-
ing said line east to Mrs. Ann Sellman's land;
then through the land of Mrs. Ann Sellman to
the northeast corner of the Baptist church lot,
westerly direction to the northeast corner of
Charles Clagett' s house ; then, westerly direc-
tion, through the land of said Charles Clagett;
then through the land of the heirs of Leonard
Hayes, deceased, Mrs. Frank Knott, to the east
corner of N. T. Talbot and B. S. White, follow-
ing the line between said Talbot and White to
the north corner near the Mountain road ; then
southwest through the lands of John W. Brown
to the northwest corner of Charles Nicols, south,
following the line between said John W. Brown
and Chas. Nicols, crossing the Monocacy road
to the land of R. T. Pyles and Leonard J. Hayes ;
then down said line to the lands of Leonard J.
Hayes, southeast through the land of L. J. Hayes
to the north corner of William B. White, easterly
direction through the lands of R. T. Pyles, Na-
than T. Talbot, to the beginning.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the citizens
of said town having resided therein six months
Date of elec-
previous to any election shall, on the first Mon-
day in May, in the year eighteen hundred and
eighty-eight, or as soon thereafter as conve-
niently may be, and annually thereafter on the
first Monday in May, elect five commissioners of
Barnesville to serve for one year, or until their
successors shall be elected and qualified ; the
commissioners must be substantial citizens, resi-
dent in said corporate limits, and must have
resided therein for at least six months next pre-
ceding their election ; must be owners of real