SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General As-
sembly of Maryland, That the bonds which said
mayor and aldermen of Frederick are author-
ized to issue under the provisions of said acts
shall be payable thirty years after date to
bearer ; redeemable, however, at the pleasure
of said mayor and aldermen of Frederick, at
any time after the expiration of fifteen years
from their respectives dates.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That said act, ap-
Bonds— how
proved February twenty-first, eighteen hundred
and eighty-eight, so far as it is in conflict with
this act, is hereby repealed, but in all other re-
spects shall be and remain in full force and
effect, the same as if re-enacted in detail by
this act.
How far re-
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That this act shall
take effect from the date of its passage.
Approved March 31, 1888.
Chapter 196.
AN ACT to authorize the county commissioners
of Washington county to issue bonds to pay
off maturing indebtedness.
WHEREAS, the county commissioners of Wash-
ington county, in pursuance of the act of the
General Assembly of Maryland, passed at Janu-
ary session, eighteen hundred and seventy-
eight, chapter two hundred and forty-eight,
issued bonds of Washington county to raise a
sum of money for the purpose therein set forth ;
WHEREAS, the sum of twenty-five thousand
dollars of said bonds so as aforesaid issued will
become due and payable in the year eighteen
hundred and eighty-eight ; and,
WHEREAS, the said county commissioners will
be unable at the maturity of the said bonds to
obtain a sufficient sum of money from taxation
to pay the same ; therefore,