SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That there shall
Election of
be elected at the same election, by the legal and
qualified voters of Baltimore city, a clerk for
said circuit court number two of Baltimore city,
who shall be subject to all the provisions of the
constitution relating to the clerk of the circuit
court of Baltimore city.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That this act shall
take effect from the date of its passage.
Approved March 31, 1888.
Chapter 195.
AN ACT supplementary to and amendatory of
an act, entitled "An act to authorize the
mayor and aldermen of Frederick to issue
bonds for the purpose of redeeming the pres-
ent outstanding bonds of said municipal cor-
poration passed by this general assembly, and
approved by the governor on the twenty-first
day of February, A. D. eighteen hundred and
eighty-eight, and being chapter forty-four of
the acts of this general assembly."
WHEREAS by an act of this general assembly,
approved by the governor on the twenty-first
day of February, eighteen hundred and eighty-
eight, and designated chapter forty-four, the
mayor and aldermen of Frederick were author-
ized to issue bonds for the purpose of redeeming
the present outstanding bonds of said municipal
corporations, as in said act specified, and which
bonds were directed to be made payable thirty
years after date to bearer, redeemable, however,
at pleasure of said mayor and aldermen of Fred-
erick at any time after the expiration of five
years from their respective dates ; and whereas
it is desired to change the time when said bonds
shall be redeemable at the pleasure of said
mayor and aldermen ; therefore,