G. He shall have charge of all repairs made
upon the public buildings and work upon the
public grounds, which may be ordered by the
governor or board of public works, or that may
be provided for by the act of the general as-
sembly, and of any additions thereto, which may
be so ordered, and shall see that all contracts en-
tered into for work upon said buildings and
grounds are faithfully executed, and report to
the governor or board of public works any
violation thereof by any contractor or contrac-
7. He shall from time to time report to the
Who to report
governor the condition of the carpets, furniture
and so forth, and may, upon the order of the gov-
ernor, sell such articles as are deemed unser-
viceable or useless for the purposes of the state,
and pay the proceeds of such sales into the treas-
ury, and he may also, with the approval of the
governor, purchase such new articles of furni-
ture, carpets, and so forth, as are necessary f or the
comfort and convenience of the public officers
and the members of the general assembly.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That it shall be the
Purchase and
sell articles
with approval
of governor.
duty of said superintendent to prepare a sys-
tem of rules and regulations for the more effec-
tual security of the public buildings and grounds
and the maintenance of order therein, and for
the government of the watch when on duty ;
and such rules and regulations, when approved
by the governor, shall become part of the law
for the keeping and guarding of the public
buildings and grounds, and shall be conspicu-
rules and reg-
ously posted therein ; and any person or persons
who shall violate the same, or any part thereof,
shall, upon conviction thereof before a justice of
the peace, be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor,
and fined not more than twenty dollars and costs ;
and in default of payment of such fine and
costs shall be committed to the county jail for
a period of not less than ten days, nor more
than thirty days ; provided that any person so
convicted shall have the right of appeal to the
circuit court for Anne Arundel county.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That all janitors,
watchmen, keepers of steam-houses and fur-
naces, and all other officers provided for by this
Penalty for