they are hereby created a corporation by the
name of the Ancient Order of Hibernians in
the State of Maryland, and by that name shall
have perpetual succession ; may sue and be
sued, answer and defend in any court of law or
equity; and may have, use, and at pleasure
change, a common seal, and generally may do
any lawful act or thing necessary and proper to
carry into effect the provisions of this act, and
promote the welfare and objects of said cor-
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the constitu-
tion of the Ancient Order of Hibernians, revised
and adopted at the national convention held in
the city of St. Paul, in the State of Minnesota,
on the fourteenth day of May, in the year of our
Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty-
six, and the " By-Laws of the Ancient Order of
Hibernians of Maryland," adopted and promul-
gated by Michael Murphy, state delegate,
Michael Reilly, state secretary, and John Flan-
nigan, state treasurer, shall be the constitution,
by-laws, rules and regulations for the govern-
ment of the corporation hereby created until the
same shall be regularly changed, repealed, re-
vised or altered by said national convention or
by said state delegate, state secretary and state
treasurer, or its or their successor or successors ;
and that the present officers of said Ancient
Order of Hibernians, as at present constituted,
shall be the officers of the corporation hereby
created until the regular times for the election
of officers as prescribed by said constitution and
by-laws, and their qualification for office.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the said cor-
poration shall have the power of receiving sub-
Receive sub-
scriptions, etc.
scriptions, donations, devises and bequests of
money or real or personal property, in trust or
otherwise, and of purchasing or otherwise ac-
quiring and holding such property, to be applied
by it to the objects of its incorporation, not to
exceed the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted. That this act shall
take effect immediately from and after the date
of its passage.
Approved March 29, 1888.