twenty-one and fifty years (ministers of the
gospel excepted), shall work on the streets of
said town two days in each year, or send a sub-
stitute to do the work of the required age of
working the streets ; and when the streets shall
need repair the bailiff (or other person appointed
by the commissioners), shall give two days' no-
tice of the time and place of work, and any
person failing to do the work, or to send the
substitute, shall pay one dollar for each day so
neglected, for the use of the commissioners of
said town.
SEC. 14. And be it enacted, That any person
Who shall
work on the
failing to comply with the preceding section
shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and may be
arrested and brought before some justice of the
peace for Wicomico county upon a warrant is-
sued by said justice in the name of the State of
Maryland, and, upon proof of such failure, be
fined one dollar for each day so neglected and
the costs of the suit, and in default of payment
may be committed to the jail of said county for
five days.
SEC. 15. And be it enacted, That the said com-
What guilty of
missioners may establish building lines, grant
building privileges, and pass ordinances for
the improvements of the sidewalks along the
streets, giving directions to persons owning
property bordering on said sidewalk concerning
the improvements or repairs of the sidewalk ;
and if the owners of said property shall refuse
or fail to obey said ordinances or directions, the
said commissioners may have the improvements
executed and collect the bills and costs from
said property or person in the same way as
debts are collected in this state, and the cost' of
said improvements shall be a lien on said prop-
SEC. 16. And be it enacted, That the commis-
building lines.
sioners of said town may annually levy a tax
for the expenses of the corporation upon the
taxable property within the limits of the town,
real and personal, and the same shall be collected
by a collector appointed by the commissioners
for the purpose, whose compensation shall be
fixed by the commissioners, and who shall give
bond in such amount as they shall prescribe, and
May levy