of the persons so appointed to fill the same ;
and it shall be their duty in like manner to re-
ceive, consider and decide upon all complaints
submitted to them in writing, touching the
qualifications and fitness of the persons so ap-
pointed to fill such vacancies. Each and every
person finally selected and appointed as above
provided to act as judge of election shall be
bound to serve as such judge for the term of
one year, and in case of refusal so to serve
shall be liable to the penalty of five hundred
dollars, recoverable by the said board by civil
action in the name of the state ; and a failure to
attend at any election during said term, unless
What is deem-
ed a refusal.
prevented by sickness, shall be deemed a re-
fusal within the meaning of this section ; but
any person having once served as judge of elec-
tion shall not be bound to serve again for three
years next succeeding. In order to enable them
the better to perform the duties required of them,
the said board shall appoint a clerk at a salary of
one thousand dollars per annum, who shall keep
a regular record of all proceedings of said board,
and preserve and file all papers submitted to
them, which said record and papers shall be
open to the public inspection, and who shall
perform such other duties as said board shall
212. The said board of supervisors of election
shall likewise select and appoint in the same
manner, within the same time and in all re-
spects as provided in section two hundred and
five f or the selection and appointment of judges,
two clerks of different political parties for each
election precinct, who shall possess the same qual-
ifications as the judges, and who shall respective-
ly discharge the duties by law belonging or here-
after to be assigned to clerks of election, and who
shall receive two dollars per diem each for their
services as such. The names of said clerks shall
be published at the same time and in the same
manner as those of the persons selected and ap-
Shall have a
pointed as judges. Each one of the said super-
visors of election shall have a veto upon the
proposed selection or nomination of any officer
of registration, judge or clerk of election ; and
if in any instance in consequence of such veto