SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the three com-
Elect presi-
missioners shall, at their first meeting after an
election, elect one of their number to be presi-
dent of the board, and all vacancies in the board
of commissioners shall be filled by an election
held after ten days' notice given by the remain-
ing commissioners.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the said
Where and
when to meet.
commissioners shall meet in said town on or be-
fore the first Monday in June succeeding their-
election, and from time to time as occasion may
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the commission-
Appoint clerk.
ers shall annually appoint a clerk, who shall keep
the minutes of the proceedings in a well bound,
book, which shall be open to the inspection of all
persons interested therein, and shall perform
such other duties as the commissioners may as-
sign him.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That the commis-
judges of elec-
sioners shall annually, on or before the first
Monday in April, appoint three judges of elec-
tion, who shall conduct the election according to
the election laws of the state, except that the
polls shall be opened at two o'clock P. M., and
closed at six o'clock P. M. The first election held
under the provisions of this act shall be held on
the first Monday in May, in the year eighteen
hundred and eighty-eight, and I. D. Gardner, A.
L. Ransone and D. W. Dutrow are hereby ap-
pointed judges for that purpose.
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That the commis-
sioners may appoint annually a bailiff for said
town, who shall perform such duties as may be
required of him by said commissioners, and
preserve peace and good order in said town ;
and for that purpose he shall have all the pow-
ers of a constable.
SEC 9. And be it enacted, That the commis-
Make oath.
sioners and all other officers of the corporation
shall, before they enter upon the duties of their
offices, make oath that they will diligently and
faithfully, to the best of their skill and judg-
ment, perform the duties of their office, and
shall file a certificate thereof, signed by the
officer before whom said oath was made, among
the records of the corporation.