Chapter 103.
AN ACT to incorporate the town of Hyatts-
town in Montgomery county.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That the citizens of the town
of Hyattstown, in Montgomery county, be and
they are hereby constituted a body corporate by
the name of the "Commissioners of Hyatts-
town," and by that name may sue and be sued,
and have and use a common seal.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the corporate
Constitute a
body corpor-
limits of said town shall be as follows : Begin-
ning at the road known as the J. H. Brengle
road, and running with the lane on the east side
of said town as far as the plat of said town
extends ; thence with a straight line parallel
with the main road, through the land of John
H. Tabler, to the Frederick county line; thence
with the Frederick county line, through the
lands of said John H. Tabler, across the county
road, and with said line, through the land of
Mrs. M. P. Brengle, to a corner opposite the
lane on the west side of said town ; thence with
a line parallel with the county road, through the
lands of Mrs. M. P. Brengle and Mrs. A. C.
Hyatt, to intersect the lane on the west side of
said town at lot number eighty-two ; thence
with the lane on the west side of said town as
far as the plat of said town extends ; thence
with a straight line one hundred and ninety-
eight feet through the lands of A. J. Tabler ;
thence with a straight line through the lands of
A. J. Tabler, across the county road to the place
of beginning.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the male citi-
zens of Hyattstown of the age of twenty-one
years and upward, who have resided in said town
for six months next preceding the election, shall,
on the first Monday in May annually, elect three
freeholders who have resided in said town for
six months next preceding said election, as com-
missioners of Hyattstown, to serve for one year,
or until their successors shall be elected and
qualified. They shall receive no pay for their
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