of streets,
etc., on
60 F. When said plats are so recorded, those portions of
said land designated on said plats as streets, roads, avenues,
lanes, alleys and public parks or squares, shall be and the same
are hereby declared to be forever dedicated to public use, and
shall not thereafter, on any pretext whatsoever, be altered or
taken for private use; provided, however, that nothing herein
contained shall affect the rights of any person or persons
owning or claiming any interest in said land derived by, from
or under any persons other than the maker of such plat, or by,
from or under such maker prior to such sub division; and pro-
vided further, that the maker of any such plat or plats, his
heirs or assigns, shall have the right to apply by petition to
the Circuit Court for said county, for leave to abandon the
sub-division of lands so made by him, and re-convert the same
into one tract or parcel; and said court, if convinced upon such
ment of sub-
proof, and after such notice by publication or otherwise, or as
it shall direct, that no damage can be in anywise sustained by
persons other than the petitioners, shall have power to pass an
order authorizing and empowering such petitioner to abandon
such sub-division, either in whole or in part; and the proceed-
ings had under such petition shall be docketed in the equity
dockets and recorded in the equity or judgment records of
said court, the petitioners in all cases paying the fees, costs and
charges for like work; and when such orders are passed, the
clerk of said court shall endorse on the plat affected thereby
the dates and place of record of such orders.
Copies of
60 G. Whenever the owner of any lands of which a plat
has been heretofore made and placed in the land record books
of said county, shall cause to be made an exact, copy of said
plat, (except as to necessary change of scale and the addition
of such matter as may be necessary to make the same conform
to the requirements of the preceding sections) and shall com-
ply with the requirements of the preceding sections as applied
to plats of new sub divisions, the same may be admitted to
record and filed as other plats, and the said clerk shall there-
upon remove said original plat from the record books, place or
places where the same shall have been filed, and endorse upon
said record book or place where the same has been filed, a cer-
tificate that the plat heretofore tiled in said record book has
been copied and made to conform to the provisions of this act,
and has been filed and recorded under the provisions of this
act, which certificate shall give the liber and folio where said
new plat may be found; provided, that before said new plat
shall be entitled to record, as hereinbefore provided, there shall