Sale of prop-
erty for
erty named in said list for sale and to sell the same at public
auction for the amount of taxes, interest and cost due on each
piece of property, after publication and notice of the time and
place of sale for at least three weeks in some newspaper pub-
lished in Montgomery county.
SEC. 22. That the mayor shall execute and deliver to the
Deed to pur-
purchaser a deed of the property so sold, and the said deed
shall convey to the purchaser said property, and shall be pre-
sumptive evidence that all the requirements of law have been
complied with in making such assessments, levy, sale and deed,
and unless the delinquent owner or owners of said property
shall, within two years from the date of said tax sale and con-
veyance, redeem such property, by paying to the purchaser
thereof the whole amount of money paid by him for said prop-
erty, with interest thereon at the rate of fifteen per cent, per
annum, said title shall become absolute and indefensible.
SEC. 23. That the chief bailiff shall make all collections
Bailiff to
make col-
required of him and pay the same to the clerk within six
months from the time the tax list is placed in his hands, and
said clerk shall hold the same, together with all other moneys
received by him, subject to the order of the council.
To attend
of council.
SEC, 24. That the chief bailiff shall attend all meeting? of
the council and perform such duties as they shall direct; he
shall preserve the peace and good order of the town, and for
this purpose he is invested with the same power and authority
as any constable has under the laws of this State.
Powers of
SEC. 25. That the mayor shall have all the powers of a
justice of the peace in criminal cases, where the mayor and
council are a party, and shall receive the same fees allowed
justices of the peace in similar cases; and an appeal from his
judgment, when the demand or tine exceeds tive dollars, may
be taken to the Circuit Court for the county, which shall hear
and determine the matter, as upon appeals from justices of the
Fees of
SEC. 26. That the chief bailiff shall have the same fees
for making: distress for taxes, as are allowed county collec-
tors; and for making arrests or serving process for violating
any ordinance of the corporation, the same fees as are allowed
constables for similar services; and when the bailiff fails to
discharge any of the duties of his office, he may be fined not
exceeding ten dollars for any one offence.