County Commissioners, with right to appeal to the Circuit
Court for the county; they may cause the streets to be lighted
and suitable sidewalks to be made and kept in repair along
said streets; and the abutting lots are not improved by build-
ings, the sidewalks shall be laid in conformity with the other
sidewalks adjoining the same, and kept in repair by the own-
ers of such lots or at their cost or expense, which cost and
expense, in case the work is done by the mayor and council,
shall be a lien on said property, collectible as other taxes; they
may remove nuisances and obstructions from the streets, lanes
and alleys, restrain all disorders and disturbances, prevent all
congregations of disorderly persons in public places, appre-
hend and fine all tramps and vagabonds, impose a tax on dogs
and on fowls, hogs and other animals running at large in the
streets, or totally prohibit the same; and may impose fines,
penalties and forfeitures for the violation of their ordinances,
and commit all offenders to the county jail until the same be
paid with cost; and power and authority is hereby expressly
given to the mayor and city council of Kensington, and it
shall be their duty to enforce this provision by fine or impris-
onment, or both.
Powers of
SEC. 15. That the council shall have the same powers as the
State board of health of this State, within the corporate limits
of said town, and one-fourth of a mile outside thereof in every
direction; they may pass such ordinances as they may deem
necessary for the preservation of the health of the town, and
remove all nuisances from or prohibit all business within the
corporate limits thereof, as shall, in their opinion, injuriously
affect the sanitary condition thereof.
To regulate
SEC. 16. That they shall have full power to regulate privies
and direct the character of boxes or other fixtures for them,
and the mode in which they shall be emptied and contents
removed, and the disposition made thereof, and shall prohibit
the construction or maintenance of privy sinks, cess-pools or
other depositories of tilth within the corporate limits.
Removal of
SEC. 17. That they may adopt suitable measures for removal
of sewage and garbage, or they may appoint annually a scav-
enger, and prescribe his duties and fix his compensation, which
shall be paid by a special tax for that purpose, to be imposed
on the occupants of the respective buildings and collected
therefrom; provided, that the owners of the property shall be
responsible for said tax in case the same cannot be collected