for out pensions; provided, that all such applications shall be
accompanied by the affidavit of five taxpayers, setting forth
the fact that such applicant is in indigent circumstances and
worthy of such assistance; and that no allowance to any one
person by said trustees shall in any case exceed the sum of
thirty dollars per annum; and provided further, that the said
trustees shall provide comfortable homes, food, clothing and
medical attendance for the present inmates of said almshouse,
and such other indigent persons as would have become inmates
thereof, at an annual expense of not exceeding one hundred
and twenty dollars each; and after so providing for such indi-
gent persons and paying necessary expenses for enforcement of
this act, such balance as may remain of the amount levied by
the County Commissioners for the use of the poor shall be dis-
tributed as out pensions to such persons, and in such proportion
as the said trustees may determine.
for out-
9. The said trustees shall annually, on or before the third
Monday in June, report to the County Commissioners the
probable amount in their judgment necessary for the support
of the out pensioners of said county; and the County Com-
missioners, at the annual session for making the county levy,
after the receipt of the report of the trustees of the poor,
shall levy the amount estimated by said trustees to be neces-
sary for the support of such out pensioners; provided, that
the same shall not exceed the sum of two thousand dollars in
any one year.
To levy tax
for support
of out pen-
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved April 6th, 1894.
AN ACT to authorize the School Commissioners of Anne
Arundel County to borrow money on the credit of Anne
Arundel County, to purchase a lot or lots, and to erect and
furnish, with the assistance of the City of Annapolis, a
public school building in the City of Annapolis.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Dr. Harry M. Revell, John C. Bannon, John