Charles Nitge, Samuel T. Frank and J. Frank Kremms, their
associates and successors, be and they are hereby created a body
corporate by the name and title of "The Curtis Creek Bridge
Company of Anne Arundel County," and by that name shall
have perpetual succession, and shall be able and liable to sue
and be sued, plead and be impleaded in any court of law and
equity, and may have and use a common seal, and the same at
their pleasure to renew or alter, and shall have power to
acquire, either by purchase, gift or condemnation, such real
estate for the purposes of their incorporation as may be
Object of
necessary therefor, which purpose is hereby declared to be to
build and maintain a toll bridge for foot passengers, teams,
vehicles and live stock, over and across Curtis Creek, in Anne
Arundel county, at Walnut point.
SEC. 2, And be it enacted, That the capital stock of said
Capital stock.
company shall be thirty thousand dollars, divided into six
hundred shares of the par value of fifty dollars each; the
corporators hereinbefore named shall have the management of
the affairs of said company for the first year, and in order to
perpetuate the existence of said corporation, an election shall
be held on the first Monday of May, eighteen hundred and
ninety-five, and on the same day in each year thereafter, for
Election of
the election of a board of directors, and said directors so
chosen shall elect from their own number one person as presi-
dent of said corporation, and may also from among their own
number or otherwise, elect one person as secretary and
treasurer; but no person shall be elected a director who is not a
stockholder in said corporation. At all elections held here-
under, each stockholder shall be entitled to cue vote for each
share of stock held by him or her, and may vote in person or
by proxy. The number of directors to govern said corpora-
tion shall be seven, who shall be elected as herein provided,
and there shall be two directors appointed by the County
Commissioners of Anne Arundel county; provided, that the
said commissioners shall subscribe to the capital stock of said
corporation in manner, form and amount at hereinafter pro-
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the incorporators herein
named be and they are hereby authorized to open books of
subscription to the capital stock of said company, and to solicit
subscriptions thereto; and when subscriptions to the amount of
teu thousand dollars in value shall have been made, they are
then authorized to begin the construction of a bridge, which