oath of
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That each visitor appointed
under the act of eighteen hundred and eighty-eight, chapter
one hundred and eighty-three, to which this act is amendatory,
before he proceeds to act as. such, shall take an oath 'to faith-
fully discharge the duties of his office.
Who to be
as inmates.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That said Maryland Asylum
and Training School for Feeble Minded, shall receive, care for
and educate, free of charge, all idiotic, imbecile and feeble
minded persons of this State. That the board of visitors shall
consider proper subjects to receive the benefits of said Asylum
and Training School, who shall present a certificate of the
Orphans' Court or County Commissioners of the city or
county in which such persons respectively reside, that they,
their parents or guardians, are unable to pay for the maintenance
and education, in whole or in part; and in case such persons or
any of them, their parents or guardians, are able to pay for
such maintenance and education in part, then said visitors shall
be at liberty to charge so much as they shall find such persons,
their parents or guardians, are severally able to pay towards
such maintenance and education; but where such persons, their
parents or guardians, are able to pay in full, the said visitors are
permitted to charge such reasonable amount as will cover the
expense for the maintenance and education of each person so
able to pay; and said visitors shall also be authorized to
receive feeble minded children from other States and the Dis-
trict of Columbia, when there is ample room in said institution
for the same, upon such terms and conditions as the board of
visitors shall approve; and all moneys so received for board or
tuition shall be applied in the maintenance of said institution.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of
Asylum to be
divided into
two depart-
said visitors, when they have the means and facilities at
command for so doing, to divide said Asylum and Training
School into two district departments, one educational, the other
custodial. All feeble minded persons in said institution who
are capable of improvement, shall be placed in the educational
department, and shall be taught the rudiments of a common
school education, as far as practicable, in connection with cul-
ture in manual and industrial occupations, with a view to
secure future usefulness and self support. The custodial
department shall be an asylum for such feeble minded persons
in said institution as shall not be capable of improvement by
school instruction, and who shall require extraordinary sur-
veillance and care.