SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the County Commissioners
of Baltimore County, upon the completion of the work speci-
fied in the first section of this act, and upon their being satis-
fied that said work lias been satisfactorily and properly done, are
authorized and empowered in their discretion to purchase all
that portion of said turnpike road between the Pennsylvania
State line and the northern limits of Baltimore city, not occu-
pied by the City and Suburban Railway and the superstruc
ture of its tracks, and to pay for the same such sums as in
their judgment shall be proper compensation for said "turnpike
road, not to exceed the sum of twenty-two thousand dollars:
and upon the consummation of said purchase and the passage
of a suitable deed from the said turnpike company to the said
County Commissioners, the said road shall be a county road,
to be kept up by the county as other county roads, and no tolls
to be charged thereon.
County may
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved April 6th, 1894.
AN ACT to authorize and direct the payment of certain suing
of money to the treasurer of the board of county school
commissioners of Baltimore County, for use of the public
schools of said county, the proportions of fines remaining
in the hands of Thomas R. Jenifer, late sheriff of Balti-
more county, which the said board of county school com-
missioners would have been entitled under the Code oi
Public Local Laws of 1860.
WHEREAS, Heretofore the board of county school commis-
sioners of Baltimore county were entitled to a portion of
certain tines imposed by the Circuit Court for Baltimore
county and justices of the peace of said county; and
WHKRKAS, On the adoption of Poe's Local Code of Laws
said section was inadvertently omitted from said Local Code
WHEREAS, Thomas R. Jenifer, late sheriff of Baltimore
county, has collected certain fines during his term of office