AN ACT to authorize the County Commissioners of Caroline
and Talbot Counties, to appropriate sums of money for the
purpose of maintaining and keeping in safe repair and con-
dition for public travel, Dover Bridge and causeways leading
thereto connecting Talbot and Caroline Counties.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the County Commissioners of Caroline and
Talbot counties shall annually on the first Tuesday in April in
each and every year appoint one person for each county, who
shall be a landholder and resident of the respective election
district in each county in which the said bridge may be located ;
the sand two persons so chosen shall elect a third person as a
president, who shall be a resident of one of the election districts
in which the said bridge may be located, and the said persons
so chosen shall act as a board to superintend and manage affairs
of said bridge under such rules and regulations as the said
board so constituted may prescribe, and which shall have full
and ample powers for the superintendence and management of
said bridge, and the compensation of said three persons so
chosen shall not exceed the sum of twenty-five dollars for each
person, to be borne equally by said counties.
of board to
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the County Commissioners
of Caroline and Talbot counties be and they are hereby author-
ized and directed to levy on the assessable property of their
respective counties, such sums of money, not less than five
hundred dollars each, to pay the costs of maintaining said
bridge and causeways and keeping them in safe repair and
condition for public travel, said sums to be paid by the respec-
tive counties on or before the first day of May in each and
every year, or so much as may be needed thereof, as per
proper vouchers rendered to the respective Boards of County
Commissioners by said board of superintendency.
To levy tax to
keep bridge
in repair.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the board so chosen shall
appoint annually some competent person to act as bridge:
keeper, and whose duty it shall be to attend to the opening and
closing of draw of said bridge when so required, and also to
attend to such other duties in regard to keeping said bridge
in safe and proper condition for public travel, and shall receive
for his services such, compensation as the said board shall deem
just and proper, to be paid out of the appropriations annually