May borrow
and lend
money, etc.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That said corporation shall have
power to borrow money, receive money on deposit, to loan
money or to discount in accordance with bank usage, taking
such security therefor, either real or personal, as the board of
directors of said bank may deem sufficient; may buy or sell
bills of exchange, notes, bonds or other securities; may pur-
chase and hold such real and personal estate and property as
may be necessary for the accommodation and transaction of its
business; may issue letters of credit and other commercial
obligations, and generally may do and transact a general bank-
ing business.
Deposits by
minors and
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That whenever any deposits
shall be made by a minor or a married woman, such deposits
shall be received or held and paid out on precisely the same
conditions as those of adult male or adult feme sole depositors ;
and the directors of said bank may at their discretion, pay to
such minor or female covert depositor such sum or sums of
money as may be due to him or her, and the check, receipt,
acquittance of such minor or female covert shall be valid, any
law of this State to the contrary notwithstanding.
Election ot
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That the election of directors of
the said bank shall be in accordance with the by-laws passed by
the stockholders of said bank.
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duties of the
directors to lay before the stockholders of said corporation,
once in each year at a general meeting, for their information,
an exact statement of the financial condition and affairs of the
Statements to
State Treas-
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That the board of directors
shall cause to be furnished to the Treasurer of the State of
Maryland statements of the amount of capital stock of the
corporation, and the debts due to and from the same, specify-
ing those due to and from other banks; of the money deposited
therein; of the notes, if any, in circulation; of the cash on
hand, specifying the amount of coiu, and of notes of other
banks; of the nature of the real estate held by the corporation,
and of the amount and value of the public and other stocks
owned by the corporation; said statements to be furnished
once in each year, and to show the condition of the corpo-
ration in the said particulars as they may appear at the close
of the business transactions of the day in settlement thereof
on the thirty-first day of December; and the said corporation