AN ACT to regulate the construction and situation of water-
closets or out houses attached to the public schools of this
of water
closets in
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly cf
Maryland, That boards of school commissioners in every city
and county of the State shall provide suitable and convenient
water closets or out houses for each of the schools under their
official jurisdiction, not less than two for each school or build-
ing, when both sexes are in attendance in their respective
school districts, with separate means of access for each; and
unless placed at a remote distance, one from the other, the
approaches or walks thereto shall be separated by a substantial
close fence, not less than seven feet high; and it shall be the
duty of the said commissioners to make provisions for keeping
the said water-closets or out houses in clean, comfortable and
healthful condition.
Failure to
SEC. 2. Any failure on the part of the said public school
commissioners to comply with the provisions of this act, shall
make them liable to be removed from office by any court of
competent jurisdiction, either in the city of Baltimore or in
any county where the schools may be located, upon complaint
made to the court, under oath or affirmation of not less than
five taxable citizens, resident in the said school district in
which the school complained of is located; provided, nothing
in this act shall affect the counties of Caroline, Kent, Dorches-
ter, Somerset, Baltimore, Worcester, Howard, Prince George's
and Frederick.
SEC. 3, That this act shall take effect on and after Septem-
ber first, 1895.
Approved April 6th, 1894.
AN ACT to enlarge the powers of the Woodsboro and
Creagerstown Turnpike Road Company of Frederick County,
State of Maryland.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the Woodsboro and Creagerstown Turnpike